Contribute an Article

If you are an active scientific researcher in the gene therapy arena, we would like to invite you to contribute to this new open resource. It is our aim to build a content-rich site that can be browsed by anyone wanting to expand their understanding of the development and application of novel genetic therapeutics. We ask you to submit a short description of the work that you and your laboratory currently undertake in gene therapy. This will then be listed in the relevant research directory that constitutes part of the site. Alternatively, if you are a clinician or patient currently invovlved in a gene therapy trial we are interested to hear your experiences or suggestions.

Additionally, we would like to give you the opportunity to write a small educational piece describing the approaches that you use in your research. For example, this could take the form of a short review of the vectors or disease models that you use in your studies. These short educational reviews should be short in length (two to three pages, including diagrams) and can contain references to the scientific literature and written much like a mini-review that would appear in a scientific journal.

In return for contributing to the Gene Therapy Review, your mini-reviews will be fully credited to you and we will insert a small biography detailing your research and achievements from a link to your name under the heading of your contribution.